Your name
Sebastian Christensen
Preferred name (calling name)
Origin country/town:
Sweden, Kungsbacka, about 30 km south of Gothenburg.
Other places where you have lived:
About five years in Stockholm between 2017-2021.
Where are you living at the moment?
Swedish, English and Danish.
Academic background:
Bachelor’s in PPE (Philosophy, politics and economics) majoring in Practical Philosophy.
Work background:
July 2022 – August 2023: Waiter and bartender at Levantine restaurant.
February 2022 – May 2022: Flipping burgers and running with food as a seasonal worker in Björkliden ski resort.
January 2020 – August 2021: Freelance and eventually full time researcher and reporter for Swedish podcast Rättegångspodden.
Journalistic experience:
During my time at Rättegångspodden I worked with most stages of the journalistic cycle from idea and/or tip to research phase, interviews, basic sound editing and writing scripts for a final product. The focus at the company was true crime documentary-style stories but it eventually evolved into longer investigative projects.
Writing skills (English):
All right, not perfect. My grammar is fine but I think my biggest problem is finding the correct “tone” or vocabulary for a specific topic. Most of my education and reading have been in english and I spent most of my early years speaking and writing english on the internet, but through the years it has gotten more and more rusty.
I have used Excel (spreadsheets): YES/NO
I have worked with Python: YES/NO
No, but I plan to take an extra course in Python if there is time this or next semester.
I use other programming languages: YES/NO
If YES – which ones?
I have used WordPress YES/NO
Graphic/illustration skills?
Digital publishing/social media?
I used to run a talk show-style podcast with my friend and did the editing and publishing through RSS-feeds for that. I also have intermediate experience in editing sound using Adobe Premier. I can clean up sound, sync video with audio and other basic tasks.
Other editing or publishing skills?
Knowledge of the European Parliament (relevant to the CJC project).
Some, but limited. Did study it within a political science course in 2019, but can barely remember. I still have the material from that course though, so I should be able to refresh my memory.
Special interests/knowledge relevant to research/investigative journalism:
Quite proficient at submitting FOI requests within Sweden. Other than that not much apart from my curiosity.
Other skills/hobbies:
I like to play pool.
I think I will be able to support my fellow students with:
A welcoming attitude, a love for the journalistic work and different perspectives on current and historical events.
Contact details (preferred):
Phone: +46760219899
Just shoot a text or an email!