Your name:Xiaohang Zhou
Preferred name (calling name) Zhou
Age: 25
Origin country/town: Beijing, China
Other places where you have lived: Sichuan, China
Where are you living at the moment? Gothenburg
Languages: Chinese, English
Academic background: Bachelor of Literature in Broadcasting and TV
Work background/ Journalistic experience:
July 2019 – October 2019, Internship at a game media
June 2020 – August 2020, Internship at The Paper, focus on education
January 2021 – January 2023, Journalist at China News Service, focus on Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan
Writing skills (English): I have written English essays while studying the language, but I do not have any experience in English writing jobs.
I have used Excel (spreadsheets): YES
I have worked with Python: NO
I use other programming languages: NO
If YES – which ones?
I have used WordPress NO
Graphic/illustration skills? NO
Digital publishing/social media? I have experience on operating social media in China.
Audio/radio/pod? NO
Photography? I have camera and have experiences on taking photos as journalist. I can take basic news photos.
Video/tv/filming? I have experiences on taking videos by smartphone. I can edit videos using Adobe Premiere Pro and mobile apps.
Other editing or publishing skills? No
Knowledge of the European Parliament (relevant to the CJC project).
Special interests/knowledge relevant to research/investigative journalism: education, healthcare, wildlife protection
Other skills/hobbies: playing video games, driving
I think I will be able to support my fellow students with:
Everything about China. taking videos and editing videos.
Is there something you want to add?
If you want to share a website or other personal links (Linkedin for example), please write the url:s here:
Contact details (preferred): email: