- Your name Christian Schweppe
- Preferred name Christian
- Age: 30
- Origin country/town: Paderborn, Germany
- Other places where you have lived: Bavaria, Washington D.C. (two times), New York City, Berlin (since 2017)
- Where are you living at the moment? Gothenburg
- Languages: German, English, Spanisch (a lot), French (a little)
- Academic background: BA in Journalistic Studies, Washington Semester Program (American University)
- Work background: My work so far appeared on media outlets such as WELT/ WELT AM SONNTAG, Der Spiegel, Süddeutsche Zeitung, stern and ARD Television.
- Journalistic experience: I have worked both, in Europe and the US, and bring along 5 years of freelancing experience and almost 6 years of staff experience in investigative journalism in Berlin. In 2018, I got especially lucky when I could work as a Guest Fellow with Propublica in the US.
- Writing skills (English): German, English
- I have used Excel (spreadsheets): Yes
- I have worked with Python: No
- I use other programming languages: No
- I have used WordPress Yes
- Graphic/illustration skills? None
- Digital publishing/social media? You can find me on Instagram and Twitter via @ChSchweppe. There, I publish background stories about most of my articles sharing short videos an down pictures.
- Audio/radio/pod? No
- Photography? I am a huge street photography nerd and brought my Fuji X100F to Sweden!
- Video/tv/filming? Yes (mobile reporting skills)
- Other editing or publishing skills?
- Knowledge of the European Parliament (relevant to the CJC project). A little
- Special interests/knowledge relevant to research/investigative journalism: I´m very much into investigative journalism in print, audio, video. One thing that interests me most are „follow the money“-stories.
- Other skills/hobbies: Tennis
- I think I will be able to support my fellow students with: patience, motivation and dark humour
- If you want to share a website or other personal links (Linkedin for example), please write the url:s here:
If you want to know more about me or why I wanted to be part of the MIJ – let‘s have a coffee soon!
- Contact details (preferred):
+49 173 789 5975 (Whatsapp or Signal)
christian.schweppe@protonmail.com (if it´s sensitive)