Age: 39
Origin country/town: Sweden, Jönköping
Other places where you have lived: Stockholm, Madrid, Gothenburg since before MIJ
Where are you living at the moment? Across the river, old Kvillebäcken area
Languages: Swedish (native), English (fluent), Spanish (but it’s fading away)
Academic background: Journalism Bachelors degree, various courses in history (economic history, history of ideas&institutions, world history base course)
Work background: Journalism since 2015, before that just jobs to pay the bills
Journalistic experience: Radio, Print, TV ranked in order of proficiency. Live broadcasts, newsdesk roles and various reporter roles – from breaking news to investigative projects. Sveriges Radio, SVT, GP, DN.
Writing skills (English): Need training in journalistic writing. Otherwise I suppose it’s fine.
I have used Excel (spreadsheets): YES
I have worked with Python: NO
I use other programming languages: NO
I have used WordPress: YES
Graphic/illustration skills? Photoshop, InDesign – but need to get up to speed with software updates
Digital publishing/social media? Digital publishing in newsrooms both as web editor and reporter.
Audio/radio/pod? Swedish Broadcasting (Sveriges Radio): Newscaster, live show interviewing, commentary & analysis on covered events/stories, daily news production & some more in depth pieces. SR is a public service radio company similiar to the BBC, except that TV is another separate entity.
Photography? I own and can handle a DSLR. I learned from working with press photographers, by watching them work and asking them way too many questions. So no formal training but probably good enough for most print purposes (previously published).
Video/tv/filming? Yes, I worked at the local TV news station. Filming & reporting.
Other editing or publishing skills? I probably forgot something. Otherwise self explanatory experiences above.
Knowledge of the European Parliament (relevant to the CJC project): I have visited, not sure what else to say.
Special interests/knowledge relevant to research/investigative journalism: Reporter & newsdesk experience. So various skills and practical knowledge coming from that.
Other skills/hobbies: Bouldering (indoors climbing gyms mostly). Hobby level music production which has been put on a long pause due to lack of time. Photography, I bring my camera to all kind of places and I like to take pictures of odd or broken stuff and people doing things.
I think I will be able to support my fellow students with: What do you need? Just ask me if there’s something specific you think I can help out with. I’m hard to offend and have no problem saying no if I can’t.
Is there something you want to add? Nope.