Other places where you have lived: Vienna, Austria for a short while.
Where are you living at the moment?: Gothenburg
Languages: Swedish, English
Academic background: BA in European Studies with a minor in Intellectual History.
Work background: Lots of jobs in service, mainly restaurants for several years.
Journalistic experience: Contributing editor at Eurozine, an online journal and network of cultural journals.
Writing skills (English): Good, but could be better!
I have used Excel (spreadsheets): YES (but not in a very advanced way)
I have worked with Python: NO
I use other programming languages: NO
I have used WordPress: YES
Graphic/illustration skills?: Knowledge in Indesign and Photoshop.
Digital publishing/social media?: I have worked with social media managing, writing social media posts about articles and content.
Audio/radio/pod? No experience.
Photography: Yes, been photographing from a young age.
Other editing or publishing skills: I publish articles on a weekly basis through my job at Eurozine,
Knowledge of the European Parliament (relevant to the CJC project): Since I hold a bachelor in European Studies I have good understanding in how the EP works. And I’m a nerd when it comes to political scandal and the many many characters that are involved in the parliament.
Special interests/knowledge relevant to research/investigative journalism: I’m especially interested in European welfare systems and structures. To put it even more vaguely: I want to write and focus upon the social policy of the EU, how it integrates in other areas of European policy making – and the effect it has on Europe.
Other skills/hobbies: I love a good game of Swedish terrible football and rewatch Sex and the City.
I think I will be able to support my fellow students with: The EU! If someone is wondering about the EU in general: institutions, functioning and history etc. I’m your person! I can also provide you with good basic literature if you want to read on it.
Contact details (preferred): mrtabonde@gmail.com, my number: 0761055757