Origin country/town: Espoo, Finland and Zurich Swizerland
Other places where you have lived: Milan, den Haag, Groningen and Uppsala
Where are you living at the moment? Gothenburg, Sweden
Languages: Swedish, Finnish, English and rusty german
Academic background: Two bachelor’s degrees. One in Media and Communication and another in Political Science.
Work background: Worked as a teacher and lifesaver, but recently also as a report for Radio Sweden’s Finnish channel.
Journalistic experience: See above!
Writing skills (English): Very strong
I have used Excel (spreadsheets): YES
I have worked with Python: NO
I use other programming languages: NO
If YES – which ones?
I have used WordPress YES
Graphic/illustration skills? I started out as a photographer and have since branched out into layouting and vector illustration. I worked as a photographer and graphic designer during my time as a recruit in the Finnish defence forces. I have designed logos, magazines and posters. Recently I have also been dabbling with frame-by-frame animation since it is a great deal of fun, especially in conjunction with photography.
Digital publishing/social media? I have experience with the classics, such as Instagram and facebook, since they have been the main outlets for the organisations I have volunteered with. At Radio Sweden I got acquainted with the digital publishing platform called Isidor.
Audio/radio/pod? I worked at Radio Sweden during the past summer so I am very comfortable recording, editing and broadcasting audio/radio.
Photography? Photography was my first proper creative hobby and what brought me into digital art and design.
Video/tv/filming? Basic editing and filming but need practice.
Other editing or publishing skills? I think they have been covered!
Knowledge of the European Parliament (relevant to the CJC project). I have been an active member of the European Youth Parliament since 2014 and done a lot of work on the EU and its institutions through that volunteer work. My bachelor’s thesis in political science wasin broad terms about EU member states’ compliance with the directives set by the EU. I would say that I have a strong knowledge about the EU but I always approach the EU humbly since it is a very complex structure.
Special interests/knowledge relevant to research/investigative journalism:
Other skills/hobbies: I read, play games and do swimming, running and bouldering.
I think I will be able to support my fellow students with: Graphic work and research. I can potentially help with creative writing as well.
Is there something you want to add?
If you want to share a website or other personal links (Linkedin for example), please write the url:s here: https://probalor.tumblr.com/ this is my photo portfolio