Name: Saimah Jiwa
Preferred name (calling name): Saimah
Age: 25
Origin country/town: Hünstetten, Germany (originally from Tanzania, Kenya and India)
Other places where you have lived: Only within Germany (Mainz and Berlin)
Where are you living at the moment?: Olofshöjd
Languages: English, German, Gujarati, Kutchi, Urdu
Academic background: B.A in Communication Science and Political Science at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Work background:
- Since April 2023: freelance editor for SWR in the “MixTalk” editorial department
- Since 2016: Flight attendant at Lufthansa
- Aug. 2021 – Aug. 2021: Social Media Manager at nutz online marketing
- Oct. 2020 – March 2021: Social Media Intern at Durstexpress
Journalistic experience: Mentioned above – also within my Communication Science studies we had journalistic modules
Writing skills (English): C1 Level
I have used Excel (spreadsheets): Yes, but I wouldn’t call myself a Pro.
I have worked with Python: Not yet
I use other programming languages: Unfortunately not
I have used WordPress: Today’s the first time
Graphic/illustration skills? Does Canva count? 😉
Digital publishing/social media? Yes, was my daily business as a Social Media Manager
Audio/radio/pod? No, but I’d love to do a podcast about true crime in the student radio. Anyone wanna join?
Photography? Unfortunately, not
Video/tv/filming? On the list of things I wanna learn!
Other editing or publishing skills? No
Knowledge of the European Parliament (relevant to the CJC project): Knowledge from my studies in Political Science
Special interests/knowledge relevant to research/investigative journalism: Huge true crime fan!
Other skills/hobbies: Football, reading, cooking
I think I will be able to support my fellow students with:
- I love organizing things, so I hope to help my fellow students in getting things structured.
- I’m sure I can help in anything related to Social Media due to my work experience.
Saimah Jiwa
Contact details (preferred):
Phone: +4915737523919
Instagram: @saimahlicious