Name: Sehend Mayiwar
Preferred Name: Sehend
Origin Country: Uppsala, Sweden
Other places where you have lived: Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq – Horsens, Denmark
Where are you living at the moment? Gothenburg
- Languages: Swedish, English, Kurdish
- Academic background: AP degree in marketing management and bachelors degree in International sales and marketing management
- Work background: I have worked at an online news paper and I have worked as a market development representative.
- Journalistic experience: None.
- Writing skills (English): I am more comfortable with English than other languages I know. I have written two thesis’ for my AP and Bachelors degree. However, My studied were not very focused on academic writing, which I will have to work on.
- I have used Excel (spreadsheets): YES
- I have worked with Python: NO
- I use other programming languages: NO
- I have used WordPress: NO
- Graphic/illustration skills? Not great
- Digital publishing/social media? NO
- Audio/radio/pod? Only recorded music
- Photography? Not great but interested
- Video/tv/filming? Not much
- Other editing or publishing skills? NO
- Knowledge of the European Parliament (relevant to the CJC project): Not much. Would love to learn more.
- Special interests/knowledge relevant to research/investigative journalism: I feel that a lot of the models and theories I picked up in Marketing are applicable to journalism in general. Especially in terms of reaching out to the right audience and brainstorming on new ideas. I am from two very different cultures and have also been through almost two wars and the effect they had, which I believe also gives me a different view on the issues we might deal with together.
- Other skills/hobbies: I have been playing guitar for 14 years and I enjoy Thai boxing.
- I think I will be able to support my fellow students with: It’s too early for me to tell what my strengths and weaknesses are going to be in this program but I know that I will be able to provide a fresh perspective on matters just like everyone else.
- Is there something you want to add? I am really hard to offend so if anyone has any questions about anything, please feel free to ask. It is a privilege and honor to study among all of you, I’m sure I have a lot to learn from everyone!
- Linkedin:
- Contact details (preferred): / +46735690513