The Berliner Morgenpost recently published an innovative piece titled ‘Uninhabitable,’ addressing the pressing issue of climate change. This feature employs a captivating approach known as guided scrollytelling, combining interactive elements with rich context and essential information. Notably, it includes an interactive globe that allows readers to explore the varying impacts and severity of climate change across different regions of the world.
The content of ‘Uninhabitable’ is grounded in hard facts sourced from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report and the insights of climate change scientists. What sets this article apart is its commitment to not only inform but also raise climate awareness. It achieves this through an extensive FAQ section that elucidates the scientific underpinnings of their findings.
Furthermore, its availability in both German and English ensures a broader reach, making it a valuable resource for a diverse audience.
The Berliner Morgenpost article ‘Uninhabitable’, remains relevant and showcases data accuracy and transparency. It draws from credible sources such as the IPCC, NASA, WRI, and various other sources, which are listed beneath the article. Data journalism opens possibilities to combine traditional reporting with the digital information available (Gray et al., 2012). This article effectively maps the globe’s future scenarios, exploring categories like sea level rise, temperature, and water stress.
The article’s transparency in providing raw data and linking to data sources enhances credibility and aligns with the FAIRER principles (Bouchafra, 2023), addressing potential limitations in data resolution and representation.
The article follows a captivating approach known as guided scrolly-telling. Scrolly-telling is a visual technique for dynamic storytelling that involves content in a visually engaging and interactive way as users scroll through a website. It is a way of storytelling, that entails data visualisation and user interaction, designed to create an immersive experience for the reader (Mörth et al., 2023). This article displays an interactive globe displaying charts and maps, allowing to exploration of complex information in a more digestible manner and enabling the unveiling of additional layers of information as the reader progresses.
Combining these techniques, data journalists can transform raw information into compelling narratives that inform, persuade, and resonate with their audience. Effective visualisation and storytelling not only clarify complex data but also evoke emotions, leading to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the story being told.
“Data becomes valuable only when translated to actionable insight… and you can communicate these insights” (Löfving, 2023). The combination of data and its visualisation allows reporters to underscore that this story is about a complex topic but brings across a story important for humans, ensuring a deeper understanding.